Results for 'Paula Rodríguez Pereira'

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  1.  9
    Prediction of post-traumatic growth in the face of the COVID-19 crisis based on resilience, post-traumatic stress and social participation: A longitudinal study.Paula Collazo-Castiñeira, Rocío Rodríguez-Rey, Helena Garrido-Hernansaiz & Silvia Collado - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 crisis has generated a severe and negative psychological impact worldwide. Despite this, it is also possible to experience post-traumatic growth. This study aimed to longitudinally explore the prevalence of PTG in the Spanish population and test a predictive model for PTG from resilience, post-traumatic stress symptoms, and participation in social activities. Data were collected longitudinally in March, July, and November 2020 via an online survey. About 20% of the sample showed moderate-high levels of PTG, with no significant differences (...)
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  2.  36
    Department of Humanism and Bioethics at the Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia: An update based on 8 years of service.Paula Prieto-Martínez, Nathalia Rodríguez Suárez & Diana Lucía Zárate-Velasco - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics:147775092210773.
    A humane and respectful treatment of patients by the staff has inspired the creation of the Department of Humanism and Bioethics at the University Hospital of Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá which not only has met, but even surpassed established goals. Since 2013, the Department has developed different activities that have made it possible to respond more ethically to the daily needs of patients and to strengthen other humanization processes. Currently, the Department of Humanism and Bioethics addresses five lines of (...)
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  3.  56
    Normalization, Soundness and Completeness for the Propositional Fragment of Prawitz’ Ecumenical System.Luiz Carlos Pereira & Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez - 2017 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 73 (3-4):1153-1168.
    In 2015 Dag Prawitz proposed an Ecumenical system where classical and intuitionistic logic could coexist in peace. The classical logician and the intuitionistic logician would share the universal quantifier, conjunction, negation and the constant for the absurd, but they would each have their own existential quantifier, disjunction and implication, with different meanings. Prawitz’ main idea is that these different meanings are given by a semantical framework that can be accepted by both parties. The aim of the present paper is [1] (...)
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  4.  28
    Din'micas de gênero e migração: jovens mulheres rurais e esvaziamento do campo no norte de Minas Gerais.Deborah Dias Pereira, Jaqueline Da Silva Teixeira, Ana Paula Glinfskói Thé & Andréa Maria Narciso De Paula - 2019 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 21 (2):37-46.
    O êxodo rural brasileiro compreendeu um processo de grande magnitude desde o seu início, onde, em comparativo, poucos países experimentaram fluxo migratório tão intenso, tendo em vista a quantidade absoluta da população atingida. Uma das características encontradas nos movimentos migratórios brasileiros se estabelece na diferenciação por sexo. Estudos apontam que as mulheres migram mais do que os homens, além do fluxo migratório se caracterizar cada vez mais pela saída de jovens do campo. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo se propõe a (...)
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  5.  43
    Agostinho da Silva: uma poética construção da existência.Paula Cristina Pereira - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (42):141-149.
    Creer que la construcción de la existencia es poética y religiosa, de modo que la vida se realice plenamente. Creer que la manera portuguesa de pensar, más cerca de la concepción que del concepto, encuentra en el pensador del mundo que será una de sus expresiones más claras y profundas. La reflexión..
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  6.  48
    How Executive Functions Are Evaluated in Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy? A Systematic Review.Armanda Pereira, Sílvia Lopes, Paula Magalhães, Adriana Sampaio, Elisa Chaleta & Pedro Rosário - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:311627.
    _Aims:_ The aim of the present study was to examine how executive functions are assessed in children and adolescents with Cerebral Palsy. _Method:_ A systematic literature review was conducted using four bibliographic databases (WebScience, Scopus, PubMed, and Psycinfo), and only studies that evaluated at least one executive function were selected. Both the research and reporting of results were based on Cochrane's recommendations and PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) guidelines. _Results:_ The instrument most frequently used was the (...)
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  7.  30
    Introducción: Hacia una filosofía de la ciudad.Paula C. Pereira, Domingo García-Marzá & José L. López-González - 2020 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 25 (2).
    Teniendo en cuenta que la filosofía es hija de la polis, a primera vista, el tema de la filosofía de la ciudad puede no revelar nada nuevo. De hecho, la filosofía y la ciudad cuentan una historia paralela. Es en el ágora, un espacio privilegiado para el ejercicio de la ciudadanía, donde la filosofía se desarrolla como debate de argumentos. Pero, aunque a lo largo de la historia las ciudades puedan reflejar un deseo civilizatorio, lo cierto es que la ciudad (...)
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  8.  14
    The Impact of Clinical Ethics Consultations on Physicians in a Latin American Context.Nathalia Rodríguez-Suárez & Paula Prieto-Martínez - 2024 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (4):635-651.
    Clinical bioethics plays a significant role in hospital settings through bioethics consultations, which focus on providing ongoing assistance in complex situations within the doctor-patient dynamic. These consultations entail regular interaction between physicians and clinical bioethicists. This situation prompts an exploration into how bioethics consultations affect physicians. The current research aims to understand the influence of bioethics consultations on physicians’ bioethical knowledge by analyzing the lexical content in their patients’ medical records. Medical records are a synthesis carried out by physicians, often (...)
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  9.  48
    The Eulogy of Urbanity.Paula Cristina Moreira da Silva Pereira & Fernando Manuel Brandão Alves - 2011 - Cultura:217-236.
    As transformações a que as cidades estão sujeitas têm suscitado um discurso ambivalente sobre a cidade, um discurso que tem desenhado, não raras vezes, os seus limites na própria delimitação do espaço físico urbano. No entanto, não devemos esquecer que a revitalização da vida comunitária deverá considerar outras dimensões, compreendendo os patrimónios político, social, arquitectónico e urbanístico. Acima de tudo, a cidade contemporânea de carácter multicultural requer uma renovada urbanidade do pensamento.Propomos, então, uma abordagem que tentará, pela partilha cruzada da (...)
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  10. A proteção dos direitos humanos no continente europeu: Breves apontamentos.Anna Paula Grossi & Luciano Meneguetti Pereira - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (1).
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  11. Explicit Instructions Do Not Enhance Auditory Statistical Learning in Children With Developmental Language Disorder: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials.Ana Paula Soares, Francisco-Javier Gutiérrez-Domínguez, Helena M. Oliveira, Alexandrina Lages, Natália Guerra, Ana Rita Pereira, David Tomé & Marisa Lousada - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A current issue in psycholinguistic research is whether the language difficulties exhibited by children with developmental language disorder [DLD, previously labeled specific language impairment ] are due to deficits in their abilities to pick up patterns in the sensory environment, an ability known as statistical learning, and the extent to which explicit learning mechanisms can be used to compensate for those deficits. Studies designed to test the compensatory role of explicit learning mechanisms in children with DLD are, however, scarce, and (...)
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  12. La medicalización como estrategia biopolítica.Paula G. Rodríguez Zoya - 2010 - A Parte Rei 70:5.
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  13.  23
    Presentación. Nuevos sujetos políticos en la postmetrópolis.Julia Urabayen & Paula Cristina Pereira - 2022 - Arbor 198 (803-804):a634.
    Se presenta aquí la tesis que sirve de hilo conductor a los trabajos agrupados en este monográfico doble: los nuevos sujetos políticos en la postmetrópolis. En primer lugar, se señala la vinculación de la política con la realidad urbana en la que se crean los sujetos políticos. En segundo lugar, se analizan las ciudades actuales, en las que vive ya más de la mitad de la población mundial, y se muestra cómo su funcionamiento las convierte en realidades diferenciadas respecto a (...)
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  14.  44
    Games Used With Serious Purposes: A Systematic Review of Interventions in Patients With Cerebral Palsy.Sílvia Lopes, Paula Magalhães, Armanda Pereira, Juliana Martins, Carla Magalhães, Elisa Chaleta & Pedro Rosário - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Agenda global e experiências locais inovadoras.Ana Paula Morgardo Carneiro, José Eduardo Pereira Filho, Marcelly de Freitas Gomes & Liana Paraguassu - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7377.
    Inspiradas no modelo schumpteriano de inovação nos segmentos produtivo e tecnológico, as diretrizes das agências multilaterais (Banco Mundial, Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico, Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento) em favor da agenda inovadora no setor público têm tido, desde o final do século passado, uma ampla capilaridade entre os países. No caso brasileiro, as experiências pontuais tiveram início mais precisamente já na segunda década, possuindo, portanto, um breve histórico de atuação nas instâncias municipais e estaduais e no âmbito federal. (...)
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  16.  36
    Crítica de libros.Paula Diaz Romero, Andrea Rodríguez-Prat, Maria Medina-Vicent, Carlos Gómez, Mª Teresa López de La Vieja & Juan Carlos Sánchez Antonio - 2019 - Isegoría 60:341-365.
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  17.  54
    Psicologia e Inclusão.Ana Paula Camilo Ciantelli & Lúcia Pereira Leite - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (76):97-132.
    Resumo: O estudo objetivou analisar os efeitos de uma proposta de intervenção da área da Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, voltada para a inclusão social e educacional de estudantes com deficiência no contexto universitário. Participaram quatro estudantes (três com deficiência física e um com transtorno do espectro autista), matriculados numa universidade pública brasileira. A coleta de dados ocorreu em três etapas: 1) entrevistas abertas individuais e aplicação de instrumentos; 2) intervenção grupal; 3) entrevistas individuais e reaplicação dos instrumentos. Neste texto, serão (...)
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  18.  73
    Effectiveness of Mobile App-Based Psychological Interventions for College Students: A Systematic Review of the Literature.Carla Oliveira, Anabela Pereira, Paula Vagos, Catarina Nóbrega, José Gonçalves & Beatriz Afonso - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Serious mental health disorders are increasing among college students and university counseling services are often overburdened. Mobile applications for mental health have been growing exponentially in the last decade and they are emerging in university settings as a promising tool to promote and intervene in college students' mental health. Additionally, considering the recent covid-19 pandemic, mHealth interventions, due to its nature and possibilities, may play an important role in these institutions. Our main objectives are to explore mhealth interventions in universities, (...)
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  19.  21
    (1 other version)El espacio controversial de los sistemas complejos.Zoya Leonardo G. Rodríguez & Paula G. Rodríguez Zoya - 2014 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 50:103-129.
    El objetivo de este trabajo está orientado a aplicar el modelo de espacios controversiales propuesto por Oscar Nudler al campo de estudios filosóficos y científicos vinculados con la problemática de la complejidad. El análisis se centra en tres enfoques en particular: la ciencia de la complejidad, el pensamiento complejo y la teoría constructivista de los sistemas complejos. La estructura argumental del artículo está organizada en tres partes, en la primera se realiza una introducción conceptual al modelo de espacios controversiales; en (...)
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  20.  56
    Encoding Ethics to Compute Value-Aligned Norms.Marc Serramia, Manel Rodriguez-Soto, Maite Lopez-Sanchez, Juan A. Rodriguez-Aguilar, Filippo Bistaffa, Paula Boddington, Michael Wooldridge & Carlos Ansotegui - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (4):761-790.
    Norms have been widely enacted in human and agent societies to regulate individuals’ actions. However, although legislators may have ethics in mind when establishing norms, moral values are only sometimes explicitly considered. This paper advances the state of the art by providing a method for selecting the norms to enact within a society that best aligns with the moral values of such a society. Our approach to aligning norms and values is grounded in the ethics literature. Specifically, from the literature’s (...)
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  21.  26
    A relação entre a filosofia e a educação.Maria Núbia de Araújo, Maria Elly Krishna dos Santos Pereira & Ruth Maria de Paula Gonçalves - 2022 - Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):38-57.
    O trabalho discute os fundamentos da educação e as contribuições da filosofia para a educação e para a pedagogia. A análise, em andamento, constitui nossas pesquisas na universidade, investigando as concepções pedagógicas e os pressupostos e fundamentos da educação. O texto de caráter teórico-bibliográfico apresenta uma síntese nas correntes da filosofia da educação, identifica a função social, os limites e as possibilidades desse complexo considerando a especificidade da sociedade de classes. Dessa forma, apoia-se em Saviani (2012, 2013, 2013a), Aranha (1996) (...)
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  22.  47
    Life projects: a comprehensive definition.Vinicius Coscioni, Maria Paula Paixão, Marco Antônio Pereira Teixeira & Mark L. Savickas - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    This article introduces a comprehensive definition of life projects. It begins with a broad conception of a project as a process comprising the formation, enactment, and maintenance of intentional structures and actions. This definition represents the integration of two theoretical traditions that considered a project either as a process prior to action or a set of actions aimed at the same goals. Next, we differentiate life projects from other types of projects. Then based on a broad conceptual framework, we define (...)
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  23.  40
    Perceiving emotions: Cueing social categorization processes and attentional control through facial expressions.Elena Cañadas, Juan Lupiáñez, Kerry Kawakami, Paula M. Niedenthal & Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (6).
  24.  60
    Exposure to trauma-relevant pictures is associated with tachycardia in victims who had experienced an intense peritraumatic defensive response: the tonic immobility.Rita de Cassia S. Alves, Liana C. L. Portugal, Orlando Fernandes Jr, Izabela Mocaiber, Gabriela G. L. Souza, Isabel de Paula A. David, Eliane Volchan, Leticia de Oliveira & Mirtes G. Pereira - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  25.  12
    Análise de estratégias de coping em cuidadores de crianças cardiopatas congênitas: um estudo comparativo.Mariane Lersch Majid, Paula Moraes Pfeifer & Patricia Pereira Ruschel - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (2):7-14.
    As cardiopatias congênitas são caracterizadas por anormalidade na estrutura cardiovascular, presente desde a vida fetal, sendo estimados 30 mil casos por ano, no Brasil. Apresentam alta taxa de mortalidade, requerendo, muitas vezes, hospitalizações, intervenções e cirurgias. É necessário atentar para necessidades das figuras maternas e paternas e suas formas de enfrentamento, pois fazem parte do suporte na recuperação da criança. Este estudo transversal objetivou identificar as estratégias de enfrentamento adotadas pelos pais, durante a hospitalização da criança, verificar se existe diferença (...)
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  26.  56
    Effects of Teleassistance on the Quality of Life of People With Rare Neuromuscular Diseases According to Their Degree of Disability.Oscar Martínez, Imanol Amayra, Juan Francisco López-Paz, Esther Lázaro, Patricia Caballero, Irune García, Alicia Aurora Rodríguez, Maitane García, Paula María Luna, Paula Pérez-Núñez, Jaume Barrera, Nicole Passi, Sarah Berrocoso, Manuel Pérez & Mohammad Al-Rashaida - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Rare neuromuscular diseases are a group of pathologies characterized by a progressive loss of muscular strength, atrophy, fatigue, and other muscle-related symptoms, which affect quality of life levels. The low prevalence, high geographical dispersion and disability of these individuals involve difficulties in accessing health and social care services. Teleassistance is presented as a useful tool to perform psychosocial interventions in these situations. The main aim of this research is to assess the effects of a teleassistance psychosocial program on the QoL (...)
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  27.  32
    Socio-emotional development in high functioning children with Autism Spectrum Disorders using a humanoid robot.Filomena O. Soares, Sandra C. Costa, Cristina P. Santos, Ana Paula S. Pereira, Antoine R. Hiolle & Vinícius Silva - 2019 - Interaction Studies 20 (2):205-233.
    The use of robots had already been proven to encourage the promotion of social interaction and skills lacking in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, who typically have difficulties in recognizing facial expressions and emotions. The main goal of this research is to study the influence of a humanoid robot to develop socio-emotional skills in children with ASD. The children’s performance in game scenarios aiming to develop facial expressions recognition skills is presented. Along the sessions, children who performed the game scenarios (...)
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  28.  22
    Learning Platforms for Implementing Formative Interventions to Promote the Health and Safety of Workers in Brazil.Manoela Gomes Reis Lopes, Rodolfo Andrade de Gouveia Vilela, Amanda Aparecida Silva-Macaia, Vinícius Monteiro de Paula Guirado & Marco Antonio Pereira Querol - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Formative intervention methodologies, such as the Change Laboratory, are increasingly being used in work environments. However, the learning process entailed in the application of these methodologies has received insufficient attention and may be facilitated through the use of learning platforms. We examined the development of learning and training strategies for implementing formative interventions, drawing on the experiences of a research group focusing on workers’ health. Information obtained from individuals involved in CL formative activities was analyzed and interpreted using Cultural-Historical Activity (...)
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  29.  25
    O irracionalismo na teoria do conhecimento de Schopenhauer e na epistemologia de Paul Feyerabend.Antunes Ferreira da Silva & Thalyta De Paula Pereira Lima - 2016 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 7 (1):207.
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    The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid Times.Pedro Mora-Ramírez, María Amo-Hernández & Paula García-Rodríguez - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):641-647.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid TimesPedro Mora-Ramírez, María Amo-Hernández, and Paula García-RodríguezAnswering the Knock at the Door, Welcoming Utopian Futures, The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid Times, May 21–24, 2023, University of Huelva, Spain, and University of Calgary, CanadaThe COVID-19 pandemic has fostered new adversities and vulnerabilities, prompting reflection on the economic, social, and political paradigms that endanger human and nonhuman (...)
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    Women Harmonizing Sustainability Practices for a Circular Bioeconomy: Can They Transform from Within Organizations?Alexia Sanz-Hernández, Irene Zarauz, Paula Jiménez-Caballero & María Esther López Rodríguez - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-23.
    This paper is situated within the framework of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and addresses how women in organizational spaces with strongly values-driven practices can contribute to a more sustainable development in the implementation of a Circular Bioeconomy. Companies aligned with this model have a special responsibility to orient their practices towards comprehensive and fair sustainability if they want to align themselves with the policy frameworks of ecological transition. The article asks whether there is a harmonization of the environmental and social (...)
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  32.  45
    Déficits atencionais em adolescentes com diagnóstico do Transtorno do Espectro Autista.Tiara Terezinha Matte Borges Machado & Ana Paula Almeida de Pereira - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):22-42.
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    COVID-19 and Quarantine: Expanding Understanding of How to Stay Physically Active at Home.Alberto Souza Sá Filho, Thiago Gottgtroy Miranda, Carolina Cavalcante de Paula, Silvio Roberto Barsanulfo, Diogo Teixeira, Diogo Monteiro, Luis Cid, Claudio Imperatori, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Eric Murillo-Rodriguez, Sandra Amatriain Fernández, Henning Budde & Sergio Machado - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  34. Diversity regained: Precautionary approaches to COVID-19 as a phenomenon of the total environment.Marco P. Vianna Franco, Orsolya Molnár, Christian Dorninger, Alice Laciny, Marco Treven, Jacob Weger, Eduardo da Motta E. Albuquerque, Roberto Cazzolla Gatti, Luis-Alejandro Villanueva Hernandez, Manuel Jakab, Christine Marizzi, Lumila Paula Menéndez, Luana Poliseli, Hernán Bobadilla Rodríguez & Guido Caniglia - 2022 - Science of the Total Environment 825:154029.
    As COVID-19 emerged as a phenomenon of the total environment, and despite the intertwined and complex relationships that make humanity an organic part of the Bio- and Geospheres, the majority of our responses to it have been corrective in character, with few or no consideration for unintended consequences which bring about further vulnerability to unanticipated global events. Tackling COVID-19 entails a systemic and precautionary approach to human-nature relations, which we frame as regaining diversity in the Geo-, Bio-, and Anthropospheres. Its (...)
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    Na senda da razão: Filosofia e Ciência no Medievo Judaico, por Rosalie Helena de Souza Pereira.Ana Paula Tavares Magalhães - 2020 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 26 (52):387-309.
    A Idade Média foi cenário de manifestações variadas do conhecimento produzidas por letrados judeus, especialmente no campo da filosofia. O intervalo temporal predominante, os séculos XI, XII, XIII e XIV, coincide com a consolidação de uma tradição filosófica aristotélica sobre a base da língua e da cultura árabe. Uma tal riqueza em termos de produção do saber é, também, atestada por reconhecidos estudiosos de língua, cultura, religião, filosofia e história judaicas. Há um importante processo de encontro e desencontro, interação e (...)
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    Esteves Pereira: o homem e a obra.Antônio Rodríguez Paim - 2017 - Cultura:403-410.
    Este artigo retoma, numa versão revista e resumida, a apresentação da obra e do pensamento de José Esteves Pereira, elaborada para o Projeto Ensayo Hispánico da Universidade da Geórgia, coordenado por José Luís Gómez-Martínez. Encontra-se dividido em duas partes: uma breve introdução biobibliográfica e uma exposição das linhas principais da epistemologia da História das Ideias, segundo Esteves Pereira.
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    An ecumenical notion of entailment.Elaine Pimentel, Luiz Carlos Pereira & Valeria de Paiva - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5391-5413.
    Much has been said about intuitionistic and classical logical systems since Gentzen’s seminal work. Recently, Prawitz and others have been discussing how to put together Gentzen’s systems for classical and intuitionistic logic in a single unified system. We call Prawitz’ proposal the Ecumenical System, following the terminology introduced by Pereira and Rodriguez. In this work we present an Ecumenical sequent calculus, as opposed to the original natural deduction version, and state some proof theoretical properties of the system. We reason (...)
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    Estudio diagnóstico sobre la enseñanza de la Física I en la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.Ramiro Ramírez Ramírez, Jorge Fiallo Rodríguez & Guillermo Bernaza Rodríguez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Uma análise do Nominalismo de Avestruz.Valdetonio Pereira De Alencar - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):435-447.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar criticamente o Nominalismo de Avestruz. Em primeiro lugar, apresento as teses principais dessa solução, bem como analiso se ela deve ser considerada uma solução para o problema dos universais. Apesar de argumentar que essa teoria não considera o problema dos universais um pseudoproblema, levanto uma série de problemas contra esta posição. Em geral, levantei três críticas principais. A primeira concerne ao critério quantificacional. Argumentei que esse critério apresenta problemas se interpretado como critério ontológico. Entendo (...)
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    Reseña de "Do Sentir e do Pensar. Ensaio para uma antropologia (experiencial) de matriz poética" de Paula Cristina Pereira.Manuel Ferreira Patricio - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (43):158-161.
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    Book review: Teresa Fanego and Paula Rodríguez-Puente (eds), Corpus-Based Research on Variation in English Legal Discourse. [REVIEW]Zhengrui Han - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (2):243-245.
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    Ensino Religioso: abordagens, convergências e divergências entre as escolas “Madre Paula” e “Adão de Fátima Pereira” em Belo Horizonte e Sabará. 2011. 184 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Pont. Univers. Católica de M.Gerais, PPGCR, B. [REVIEW]Adélio Ferreira Alves - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (28):1477-1479.
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  43. Ensino de filosofia com arte: entre o pensar, o sentir e o escutar.Marton Silmara Lídia - 2017 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 22 (2):342-361.
    Como propiciar um estado permanente de criação filosófica no ensino da Filosofia entre os estudantes do Ensino Superior? Eis o objetivo deste artigo. Essa questão está previamente acompanhada por dois argumentos: um deles relativo ao fato de que o ensino prevê uma atitude de abertura, disposição e curiosidade, condições essas indispensáveis à aprendizagem. O segundo, decorrente do primeiro, é que o ensino de Filosofia está intimamente vinculado à natureza própria da Filosofia que, distante da busca pela verdade como afirmação ou (...)
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    Representation, agency and empowerment.Bérengère Marques-Pereira & Birte Siim - 2002 - In Barbara Meil Hobson, Jane Lewis & Birte Siim (eds.), Contested concepts in gender and social politics. Northampton, MA, USA: E. Elgar. pp. 170.
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    Definite clause grammars for language analysis—A survey of the formalism and a comparison with augmented transition networks.Fernando C. N. Pereira & David H. D. Warren - 1980 - Artificial Intelligence 13 (3):231-278.
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    Credibility, Idealisation, and Model Building: An Inferential Approach.Xavier De Donato Rodriguez & Jesus Zamora Bonilla - 2009 - Erkenntnis 70 (1):101-118.
    In this article we defend the inferential view of scientific models and idealisation. Models are seen as “inferential prostheses” (instruments for surrogative reasoning) construed by means of an idealisation-concretisation process, which we essentially understand as a kind of counterfactual deformation procedure (also analysed in inferential terms). The value of scientific representation is understood in terms not only of the success of the inferential outcomes arrived at with its help, but also of the heuristic power of representation and their capacity to (...)
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    (1 other version)Uma ética para além do hUmano E do tempo presente.Genivaldo do Nascimento Pereira - 2016 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 17 (14):34-41.
    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo trabalhar a proposta ética de Hans Jonas. Para Jonas, o homem, mediante técnica, modificou o poder causal de sua ação no mundo. Segundo ele, essa modificação no agir humano nos colocou em uma situação paradoxal. De um lado alcançamos um poder, jamais antes alcançado por outra geração. Por outro lado, nos vemos incapazes de calcular os efeitos de tal poder a logo prazo. Nesse contexto tanto o homem como o todo existente se encontram em (...)
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    Algunas consideraciones sobre la noción de pueblo indígena en la constitución de la república bolivariana de Venezuela.José Miguel Pereira - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:647-654.
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  49. Letters & essays.Ananda Pereira - 1997 - [Colombo: [S.N.].
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  50. Tremecen: precisiones y problemas de un largo asedio (698-706/1299-1307).Ma Manzano Rodriguez - 1993 - Al-Qantara 14 (2):417-439.
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